“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”
Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial Events
Each Fourth of July, members of the Fort Moore Garrison gather at the site of the Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial, located at 451 N. Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, to reenact the first Fourth of July flag raising in California on July 4, 1847, an important event commemorated by the large bas relief sculpted figures at the Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial. In fact, the Memorial is so important to the County and City of Los Angeles, that the City and the County Arts Commission recently spent $6 million to refurbish and repair the Memorial to its original condition when it was built and dedicated in 1957. We have been very active in planning the Rededication Ceremony for the Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial after the City and County finished the repair of the Memorial. These activities were and are of great service to the City and County of Los Angeles and the State of California because they educate many Californians regarding their early history that most citizens are not aware of. We have received numerous awards and civic recognitions for the historical education services we perform, and City and County officials have often expressed their appreciation for the services we perform, which enhances their refurbishment efforts.
Other Historical Events Involving the Mormon Battalion and Others
The Fort Moore Garrison participated in planning sessions with various County officials and educated City and County officials regarding the history of Fort Moore hill. We produced a small book regarding the history of Fort Moore hill and the Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial to educate City and County officials and members of the public regarding the history behind the Fort Moore Memorial.
The Fort Moore Garrison participates regularly in other civic events, historical reenactments, historical education workshops, and parades, including the annual Swallows Day Parade in San Juan Capistrano, the annual Mormon Battalion Commemoration in Old Town San Diego, the annual LA History Days at Azusa Pacific University, local school programs teaching pioneer history to elementary school students, and many other events. We have also participated in Old Sacramento Days and the Days of ’47 Parade in Salt Lake City, Utah. We strive to educate the public and public officials regarding life in California during the 1840s, including period military drill according to the manual of arms of that period, cannon and musket salutes, public reenactments of historical events in California history, classroom instruction regarding pioneer, military, and civilian life during the 1840s, and other historical demonstrations. We have participated in so many historical events that it is difficult to catalogue or list them all, but the public, students, and officials who observe us universally appreciate what we do and want us to continue our educational efforts.